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Italia Office: JMS Elettropompe s.r.l.

Via per Poviglio N.35

Phone: +39 0522 107 28 41
Whatsapp: +39 327 715 1600
Email: export@jmselettropompe.it

Request a Quote

Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

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+39 0522 107 2841 (pbx)

Working Hours

We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 3pm
Sunday: Closed

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Italia Office: JMS Elettropompe s.r.l.

Via per Poviglio N.35

Phone: +39 0522 107 28 41
Whatsapp: +39 327 715 1600
Email: export@jmselettropompe.it

Request a Quote

Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?

* Please Fill Required Fields *


+39 0522 107 2841 (pbx)

Working Hours

We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 3pm
Sunday: Closed

About Us

JMS ELETTROPOMPE S.R.L. nasce dalla quarantennale esperienza nel settore elettropompe da parte del suo fondatore e CEO Mr. Saeid M. Jan.

JMS Elettropompe SRL progetta e realizza pompe di elevate qualità per l’utilizzo nei settori industriale, agricolo e civile.

1984 - Appena laureatosi in Ingegneria meccanica, Mr. Jan entra nel comparto del trattamento delle acque per agricoltura, industria e uso civile, diventando Export Area Manager per importanti società italiane produttrici di pompe ed elettropompe.

2007 – Con l’esperienza acquisita negli anni, Mr. Jan inizia la propria attività, costituendo a Reggio Emilia la società Jan Pumps, iniziando la produzione e commercializzazione di alcune tipologie di elettropompe.

2009 – Avvalendosi delle migliori condizioni economiche proposte dal mercato turco, Mr. Jan costituisce un impianto produttivo di elettropompe, “Arian Pumps”, ampliando la propria gamma di prodotti per il mercato internazionale.

2017 – “JMS Elettropompe SRL” viene costituita ed apre lo showroom con stabilimento di assemblaggio produttivo in Italia (Boretto-RE), per servire il mercato internazionale e locale.

2024 – JMS Elettropompe crea una propria rete di distribuzione ed assistenza in Italia per supportare la vendita di tutti i suoi prodotti, che attualmente sono venduti in oltre 80 paesi nel mondo, dall’Europa alle Americhe, dall’Africa al Medio Oriente, dall’Asia al Oceania.

JMS ELETTROPOMPE S.R.L. was born from the forty years of experience in the electric pump sector of its founder and CEO Mr. Saeid M. Jan.

JMS Elettropompe SRL company professionally designs and manufactures pumps for applications in the industrial, agriculture and civil sectors.

1984 – As soon as he graduated in Mechanical Engineering, Mr. Jan entered to the water treatment sector for agriculture, industry and civil use, becoming Export Area Manager for important Italian electric-pumps producing companies.

2007 – With the experience acquired over these years, Mr. Jan begins his own business, establishing the Jan Pumps company in Reggio Emilia, starting the production and marketing of some types of electric pumps.

2009 – Taking advantage of the best economic conditions offered by the Turkish market, Mr. Jan established a production plant for electric pumps, “Arian Pumps”, expanding its range of products for the market.

2017 – New company, “JMS Elettropompe SRL”, was established and opened the showroom and manufacturing job shop in Italy (Boretto-RE), for serving the international and local market.

2024 – JMS Elettropompe creates its own distribution and service network in Italy forsupporting the sale of all its products, which are currently sold in over 80 countries around the world, from Europe to the Americas, from Africa to the Middle East, from Asia to Oceania.